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25 search results for: vaccine


Australian Researchers Released the World’s First AI-Developed Vaccine

Researchers at Flinders University have developed a new flu vaccine believed to be the first in the world to be completely designed by artificial intelligence (AI). The technology is expected to be able to create better vaccines for a lower price. These new vaccines could be discovered and tested at a much faster pace than […]


Measles Outbreaks Catalysed by Vaccine Hesitancy

The increase in measles, a highly contagious scourge that had been nearly eradicated in many parts of the world, is concerning health officials. In Europe, measles had reached the highest levels in two decades. Experts blame this surge in infections on a drop in the number of people being vaccinated.


World-First Trial for Universal Flu Vaccine

The world’s first widespread human testing of a universal flu vaccine against influenza has begun in the UK. Rather than focusing on antibody production, the new vaccine stimulates the immune system to boost influenza-specific T-cells and aims to protect the elderly who are particularly susceptible.


Experimental Vaccine Could Finally Defeat Ebola

The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that a new experimental vaccine proved 100% effective against Ebola based on preliminary results. In a large study the organization conducted in Guinea, where Ebola is still at large, not a single vaccinated individual developed the disease.


First Effective Vaccines against Zika Virus

For more than a year one third of the world has been highly concerned about the Zika virus outbreak and Splice has covered amazing achievements regarding Zika infection. These days it is one of the main newspaper topics because of the upcoming Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympics in Brazil, the country where most of the […]