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The Present And Future of Gene Drives

Gene drives are capable of altering genomes of entire animal populations by passing down mutations through generations faster than natural inheritance. The main goal of using them is to defeat diseases, control pests and speed up lab work. Self-destructing mosquitoes and sterilized rodents are in the center of interest. However, recent advancements raise concerns about unleashing this powerful technology with […]


Scientists Use Molecular “Claw” to Remove Uranium From Irradiated Mice

Researchers from China’s Soochow University have developed a new molecular “claw” that hooks onto toxic uranium isotopes, making them easier for the kidneys to excrete. If proven functional in humans, it would represent the first effective way for quickly removing the heavy metal from a person’s body. The method could prove vital in areas with […]

New Therapy Targets Gut Bacteria To Suppress Food Allergies

A new study identified the species of bacteria in the human infant gut that protect against food allergies. A resulting oral therapy in mice has replenished the “good” bacteria, prevented food allergies from forming and even suppressed some pre-existing diseases. Contrary to the current therapies, it has the potential to treat food allergies at a […]

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Gut Microbes Converted Type A Into Universal Donor Blood

Scientists from the University of British Columbia (UBC) have found a way to nearly double the amount of universal donor blood available. They discovered microbes in the human gut that produce two enzymes which efficiently strip type A blood of its antigens, transforming it into type O. This process could ease blood shortages and revolutionize blood […]


Researchers Speed Up Drug Discovery With New Zombie-Like Cells

Scientists from the University of Alabama (UA) have invented a new and bizarre technique to discover novel natural compounds in cells. It involves human, “zombie-like” cells that are technically no longer alive but their membranes continue to bind different and potentially useful compounds in samples. This technique may allow scientists to screen natural products for […]

Coca-Cola Backed Nutrition Research Holds Back Anti-Sugar Results

The Coca-Cola Company, one of the world’s largest producers of sugary beverages, has funded scientific research on fitness and public health at universities around the world. The newly-uncovered documents reveal that the money comes with strings attached. Five different funding agreements from universities show the company can prevent the results from going public, and has done so in […]