
Electronic laboratory notebook review

At Splice, we’ve been closely following the changes and improvements in the world of Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs) to keep you updated. In this review, we’re focusing on the best electronic lab notebooks that offer the best price-performance ratio.

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As we are approaching the end of the year, it fits to wrap up Splice’s achievements in 2015.

Splice blog was launched in March 2015 with the idea to provide life scientists with some easy reading during their coffee break, hence the slogan “Coffee Break News for Life Scientists”. It exhibits high quality articles, written by life science experts specialized in various scientific fields. Read more

It’s the busiest part of the year for Santa Claus (formerly known as Saint Nicholas of Myra born AD 270). Although some scholars argue that Santa is just a legendary figure still present in modern day folklore due to its successful marketing, Read more