Meet Denis Kutnjak, National Institute of Biology (NIB)
Whenever the topic of my career choice (molecular biology) comes up, my memories always take me back to when I first saw the movie Gattaca.
Testing for more than 1000 different strains of viruses in a single, multiplex reaction by using less than a drop of blood!
From the Human Genome Project and ENCODE, to projects that involve sequencing of millions of human genomes and were announced by the US Obama Administration and Companies such as Craig Venter’s Human Longevity Inc., 23andMe and the Chinese BGI.
Biologists first observed “transgenerational epigenetic inheritance” in plants. But, over the past few years, evidence has accumulated showing that the phenomenon also occurs in rodents and humans.
Short Coffee Break Conversation about the Future of Sequencing
Meet Fang Chen, BGI – Beijing Genomics Institute, the world’s largest genomics organization. Read more
Meet Jan Hellemans, CEO of Biogazelle, focused on unraveling the coding and non-coding regions of the genome.
“There is more non-coding RNAs in a human cell than protein coding genes. So actually we’ve been ignorant about this very important part and this is the area into which we want to move.”
Recently there’s been a lot of excitement building up within the molecular biology community about sequencing long reads, and by “long reads” I mean reads of several kb in length…
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